which are ultimately equivalent

admin 2个月前 (03-16) 医政解读 16 0

  The motivation for investigating the issues presented in this article stemmed from a need to understand better the relationship in long-established physics formulas and extract the information they provided using conventional methods. Based on the definition of magnetic flux quantization, which is based on a combination of fundamental physical constants, the Planck constant, and the particle’s elementary charge, this work explores the results that arise when this equation is combined with the equation of the Bohr-level electrostatic force acting on the electron, which leads to a new mathematical relationship between the combined expressions. The new relationship yields novel theoretical findings related to the known universal constants. Following this insight, the formalism developed in this paper indicates that the mass of the electron and other subatomic particles is associated with the magnitude of the square of the magnetic flux quantum, which makes up the particle. This conclusion is not as strange as it may seem, as the square of the magnetic flux quantum appears in the context of magnetic energy in a current loop and, according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, energy is equivalent to mass. The theoretical results are in full accordance with experimental results published by NIST CODATA 2018 that I’ve used, which validates the existence of the relationship. The distinction between gravitational and inertial mass, which are ultimately equivalent, indicates that the relationship between the particle’s mass and the square of the magnetic flux quantum is another aspect of mass originating from the particle’s interaction with the Higgs field.

which are ultimately equivalent



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